Check Your Account! Minister Of Manpower Ida Ensures Rp1 Million PPKM BSU To 2.1 Million Workers Has Been Distributed

JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah said her party had distributed Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) to workers affected by the PPKM policy of 2.1 million. The target of the Ministry of Manpower for BSU is 8.7 million workers.

"Especially for today, we have distributed wage subsidy assistance for approximately 2.1 million workers from the target of 8.7 million workers who are projected to become BSU recipients," said Ida at the National Coordination Meeting of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, August 24.

The BSU recipient has complied with the criteria stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower Number 16 of 2021 concerning Amendments to the Minister of Manpower Number 14 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Providing BSU for Workers or Labors in Handling the Impact of COVID-19.

"Each BSU recipient worker will receive IDR 1 million from the government through a direct transfer from the Himbara bank to the worker's account. Maybe this is not much and doesn't mean much for employers, but for many workers this amount helps a lot to ease their burden," added Ida. .

In addition to providing BSU, the government also makes guidelines for carrying out activities in the workplace, especially those related to work relations, by issuing the Decree of the Minister of Manpower Number 104 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for Implementing Work Relations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Minister of Manpower Decree 104/2021 discusses three things, namely the implementation of the work from home system or work from home, the implementation of working in the office or workplace or work from office, and laying off workers.

Then, this Kepmenaker also discusses the implementation of wages in the three work systems by regulating other rights related to wages. Furthermore, termination of employment as a last resort can be taken if the COVID-19 pandemic really has an extraordinary impact on business continuity.

"The main thing that must be considered is that the implementation of these three things must be based on a collective and written agreement between employers and workers. I hope that the Manpower Decree will serve as a guide and be guided as best as possible by employers," added Ida.