Blusukan Looking For A Wagon Man, Kompol Beddy's Action Deserves To Be Imitated

JAKARTA – Setiabudi Police Chief Kompol Beddy Suwendy's actions should be imitated. He is willing to go to a number of roads in Setiabudi while pedaling a bicycle to distribute aid packages containing rice to the poor.

"Last night at 11 (evening) was the third day I distributed rice aid to the homeless. The targets were manusia gerobak and scavengers who are under the flyover bridge. Even to people sleeping in the cart (cart humans)," he told VOI when confirmed , Tuesday 24 August.

Routinely every night, the police chief is willing to penetrate the cold night air just to make the small community happy. Even Kompol Beddy walked through all the slum areas and the streets where the homeless lived on his bicycle.

"This is a fun way to carry out sports with rice, we'll see there, it's a pity," he said.

This idea came about after police officers conducted mobile vaccinations. Then the police met the homeless and the manusia gerobak.

After seeing this fact, the police took humanitarian steps by distributing rice to the poor. The distribution of rice given by the Setiabudi Police to lighten the burden of their lives.

"The aim is only to relieve the needy and needy people," he said.

Kompol Beddy detailed that the homeless in his area usually live under the flyover bridge. According to him, if late at night arrives, the location becomes their resting place.

"We toured the entire Setiabudi District, we gave birth to them. The most homeless are in the Guntur and Menteng Atas areas. Last night 30 packages of rice were distributed, we took them by bicycle," he said.

The distribution of rice is intentionally carried out using bicycles to make it easier to reach the homeless. "This activity will be carried out regularly because there are quite a lot of manusia gerobak in Setiabudi District, so we are patrolling and distributing rice to the poor, manusia gerobak, the homeless and beggars," he said. .

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