Dismantling The Cross-City Methamphetamine Network, Head Of BNNP DKI Jakarta Meets Difficulties

JAKARTA - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of DKI Jakarta Province revealed the distribution of 6.4 kilograms of methamphetamine from two suspects with the initials MR (Sumatra - Jakarta network) and ITY (Aceh - Jakarta network). The arrests of MR and ITY began with the capture of AF first.

The head of the DKI Jakarta BNNP, Brigadier General Tagam Sinaga, accompanied by the Head of Drug Eradication, Kombes Monang Sidabuke, said that his party had difficulty developing this case. Because the suspects MR and ITY did not mention who the narcotics boss was who ordered him to deliver the illicit goods.

"We developed it and after we asked about it, they said they were only told and didn't know. They communicated via cellphone. That was the method. The two suspects were on the Aceh-Jakarta and Sumatra-Jakarta networks," he said.

The head of the National Narcotics Agency admitted that the development of narcotics carried out by the DKI BNNP was still using conventional methods. Because the police must confirm the identity of the suspect.

"When it is certain, we will ambush. From this month's arrest, we have arrested a total of 3 suspects. Two suspects with the initials MR and ITY for possession of 6.3 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and AF for possession of 400 grams of crystal methamphetamine," he said.

This disclosure is the result of the development of a small narcotics trafficking case from the arrest of two dealers with the initials AF in the East Jakarta area.

"Initially we only arrested small traffickers 4 months ago with evidence of 400 grams of crystal methamphetamine. Then we continued to develop it until we arrested 2 suspects in this inter-provincial network," he told VOI, Tuesday, August 24.

From the hands of the two suspects MR and ITY, DKI Jakarta BNNP officers confiscated 6.3 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine wrapped in green Chinese green tea packaging. Meanwhile, from the suspect AF, 400 grams of methamphetamine was confiscated. The total confiscated methamphetamine was estimated at 6.4 kilograms.

"This arrest is the result of development from the ground up to arrest two suspects as high-class couriers as well as dealers," he said.

For their actions, MR and ITY are threatened with 20 years in prison.