Sumatran Tiger Traces Found In Pelalawan Riau Palm Oil Plantation

PEKANBARU - The Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) confirmed that the footprints of the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae).

"It is true that the footprints of a Sumatran tiger were reviewed by the team at the location," said the Head of Regional I KSDA Division, Andri Hansen, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 24.

He said the tiger footprints were initially discovered by employees of PT Ganarea Hendana on Wednesday, August 18. The findings were then reported to the Riau BBKSDA.

To ensure the truth of the Sumatran tiger's footprints, his party sent a team to visit the location and also directly coordinate with the company to carry out joint checks.

"From the tracking, the tiger's tracks were found in the corridor of PT Pertamina. Then it led to the palm oil plantation of PT Ganarea Hendana and the trail ended up in the thickets leading to the community's old public cemetery," Andri.

"The location where the traces were found is not far from the Kerumutan conservation area, only 7 km," he said.

Based on these findings, Andri suspects that the location is still the animal's home range because 4-5 adult tigers can reach 100 km.

His party continues to intensify socialization to companies and the public, so as not to carry out activities alone. The company was also asked to make an information sign at the animal crossing.

"We also installed camera traps at the tiger crossing and combed the snares around the location," said Andri.