Tagar Tangkap Muhammad Kece Menggema, Netizen: Don't Get Demos In Volume, Need Justice!

JAKARTA - The hashtag #SegeraTangkapMkece echoed on social media, Twitter. Netizens are busy urging the Police to immediately arrest YouTuber M. Kece because of his statement allegedly insulting Islam.

Until this news was published, Tuesday, August 24 at 11.21 WIB, this hashtag had received 9,237 responses to tweets. Netizens urged the police to immediately take this case to court.

One of the urges came from the @Nakal***** account. "Don't let demonstrations go on for volumes because of this creature. We Muslims just need justice. How many times do you want to wait for a new report to be processed?" he tweeted.

"why was the mural bomber being hunted but mkace wasn't caught?#SegeraTangkapMkece" replied the account @albam****

"I ask the POLRI to immediately arrest M kece or M Kace who blasphemes against Islam & insults the Prophet Muhammad SAW. There should be no element of omission that can DANGEROUS National Harmony & Unity," said the account @refrizal****

"Woooaalah... just caught M. It's been a while. Do we need to call the A-Team, Suicide Squad and Gaban?" @wakandacity****

Previously, the Mebes Polri stated that there had been four police reports (LP) addressed to Youtuber Muhammad Kece for alleged cases of insulting Islam. Currently, the case is still under investigation.

"(Police reports) 1 in the Criminal Investigation Unit and 3 in the regions," said Polri's Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Komjen Agus Andrianto in his statement, Monday, August 23.

Although there were four reports, continued Agus, the handlers were decided to be combined. Thus, it is concentrated in the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"Everything will be collected at the Criminal Investigation Unit," said Agus. "The process is ongoing (case handling)," he continued.

On the other hand, Kabareskrim also stated that prior to reporting, his party had detected the alleged criminal violation. Detection of alleged blasphemy based on cyber patrols.

"We have Cyber Patrol, if netizens get our time, don't we. Then there are those who make reports to the National Police Headquarters and the ranks," said Komjen Agus.