Lakers Owed Rp84.4 Billion Three Years Ago, Luol Deng Is On The List Of Highest-paid Players

JAKARTA - Luol Deng is currently listed as the sixth highest-paid player for the Los Angeles Lakers. In fact, he had retired from basketball a few years ago.

The former Lakers forward signed a four-year contract with the Lakers in 2016. However, he had to leave in 2018 when the Lakers attempted to reduce their pay bill to sign LeBron James.

After his departure, the Lakers still owe Deng 5 million euros.

Meanwhile, legends like Carmelo Anthony and Dwight Howard are also on the Lakers' biggest payroll. But they get the veterans minimum deal, which is nearly five million dollars a year.

Deng spent two seasons at the Lakers and played only one game in his second season. Later, he joined the Minnesota Timberwolves, before retiring from basketball.

Currently, Deng serves as president of the South Sudan basketball federation, also working as coach of the national team.