Muhammad's Disappointed Statement Leads To Criminal

JAKARTA - YouTuber Muhammad Kece is now in the spotlight. Many parties criticized and criminalized him in the aftermath of his statement which allegedly contained elements of blasphemy against Islam.

The statement was considered blasphemy when Muhammad Kece uploaded a video on his YouTube account. Where, he inserts the word 'Jesus' in the Muslim greeting sentence

"Assalamualaikum, warrahmatuyesus wabarakatu," said Muhammad Kece.

In addition, he also changed several other sentences. Thus, Muhammad Kece was criticized by various parties.

"Alhamdulillah, jesus hirabbilalamin, all praise is due to the presence of the Lord Jesus, the father in heaven who deserves to be praised and worshiped," said Muhammad Kece.

One of the parties who responded to the YouTuber's statement was Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. He reminded that the statement could be punished because it has the potential to damage religious harmony.

"Submitting hate speech and insulting religious symbols is a crime. The offense is a complaint and can be processed by the police, including violating Law No. 1/PNPS/1965 concerning the Prevention of Abuse and/or Blasphemy of Religion," said Minister of Religion Yaqut

The Minister of Religion also asked religious preachers not to make public spaces to convey messages containing hate speech or insults. According to the Minister of Religion, lectures and study activities should be used as a space for education and enlightenment.

Lectures are a medium to increase public religious understanding of their respective religious beliefs and teachings, not to insult each other's beliefs and religious teachings.

"In the midst of efforts to continue to advance the nation and deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, all parties should focus on efforts to knit togetherness, unity and solidarity, not make noise that can injure national brotherhood," he said.

Meanwhile, on the criminal side, the National Police stated that four police reports (LP) had been received regarding the matter.

The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, said that with the report, the investigation process had already been carried out.

"(Police reports) 1 in the Criminal Investigation Department and 3 in the regions," said Agus.

Although there were four reports, continued Agus, the handlers were decided to be combined. Thus, it is concentrated in the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"Everything will be collected at the Criminal Investigation Unit," said Agus. "The process is ongoing (case handling)," he continued.

In fact, Kabareskrim emphasized that prior to reporting, his party had detected the alleged criminal violation. Detection of alleged blasphemy based on cyber patrols.

"We have Cyber Patrol, if netizens get our time, don't we. Then there are those who make a report to the National Police Headquarters and the ranks," said Komjen Agus.

On a different occasion, Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Police Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono added that in the investigation process the Bareskrim collaborated with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo). Currently, the handling of the case is still in the stage of finding evidence.

"Of course, with other ministries, especially Kominfo, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police is collaborating in the part of collecting evidence," said Rusdi.

In the search for evidence, continued Rusdi, Kominfo will collect videos suspected of containing elements of blasphemy. Then, the evidence will be submitted to the Criminal Investigation Department investigators.

"Later Bareskrim will coordinate as part of how to collect evidence related to the events that occurred," said Rusdi.

In addition, Rusdi explained that the basis for investigating this alleged blasphemy case was the police report (LP) number LP/B/500/VIII/2021/SPKT/BARESKRIMPOLRI. Where, the report was made August 21, 2021.

Then, based on the LP, the investigator will summon the parties deemed to be related. For example, the complainant and witnesses.

"Later, investigators will schedule it all," said Rusdi.