Lidya Kandau Hopes Tyna Kanna's Problems And Mirdad's Recalls Are Not As Big As News

JAKARTA - The household of Tyna Kanna and Kenang Mirdad has been the reference for the ideal family. 12 years of marriage, the appearance of the two is very popular with Instagram followers because they are described as a harmonious family.

However, Tyna Kanna is reportedly having an affair from Kenang with a friend of her bicycle community. It all started with an anonymous Instagram account called @playitsafebaby who wrote about this issue. He said Tyna had an affair with a bicycle boy.

There are no photos or videos that prove the affair took place. The author did not divulge the name and who the figure was. He also did not tell where the author got the information.

The names of Jamal Mirdad and Lidya Kandou's daughter-in-law are increasingly making netizens curious after Nana and Naysilla Mirdad, Tyna Kanna's sister-in-law, have also unfollowed their Instagram account.

Netizens became even more suspicious when Kenang Mirdad uploaded his activities in Bali without the company of his wife and children. Meanwhile, Tyna Kanna is in Jakarta with her children. The news became big because both of them had not provided clarification.

Kenang's mother, Lydia Kandou was finally willing to give a statement. Contacted by VOI, Lydia confirmed that Kenang was alone in Bali.

"Yesterday afternoon Kenang returned from Bali, Iya Kenang was alone in Bali," said Lydia, Monday, August 23.

Even though she has returned to Jakarta, Lydia has yet to talk to her son and daughter-in-law. "Auntie hasn't had time to talk to Kenang yet. So Auntie can't give an answer yet," he explained.

Not denying that there is a problem between the two, Lydia Kandau hopes that the household of Tyna Kanna and Kenang Mirdad is fine. "Hopefully they are okay, and their problems are not as big as the news on social media. Just pray for the best," he hoped.