Police Arrest Methamphetamine Courier In Labuhanbatu, Long Barrel Weapon Confiscated

MEDAN - Police arrested IS alias Idar (34) a resident of Dusun VII, Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatra. He was arrested for being a drug courier type methamphetamine.

IS was arrested by officers from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Labuhanbatu Police along with evidence of 1 package of methamphetamine containing 0.18 grams and 2 assembled long and short-barreled weapons.

The Head of the Labuhanbatu Police, AKBP Deni Kurniawan, accompanied by the Head of the Narcotics Unit, AKP Martualesi Sitepu, said the arrests began with public information. Subsequently, the police conducted an in-depth investigation and investigation for one week.

"Furthermore, we immediately pursued and secured the suspect in a billiard where the suspect used to distribute drugs. The suspect also managed to escape by throwing evidence on the ground, but we know," said AKBP Deni, Monday, August 23.

From the results of the examination, the suspect admitted that he got the methamphetamine from his biological brother, who is currently a fugitive. when searched, R was not at home.

"It is suspected that the victim's brother (R) knew that our younger brother had been secured, so he had fled. From the suspect, we also secured 2 long-barreled and short-barreled homemade weapons. Now we have secured all the evidence to the Resort Police Headquarters," said AKBP Deni.

The police are still intensively investigating the suspect and developing this case.

"Our suspect is snared in Article 114 paragraph subsidiary Article 112 paragraph of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Markotics with a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. We also urge the public to continue to assist the Labuhanbatu Police in uncovering illicit drug trafficking," said AKBP Deni.