Pressing The Number Of COVID-19 Cases In Jakarta, Governor Anies Baswedan Makes Mosques A Vaccination Center

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan inspects the vaccination center for places of worship at the Jami Baitul Karim Mosque, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta. Anies is optimistic that vaccination centers in places of worship can reach more people who participate in vaccines.
From field observations, local residents also seemed quite enthusiastic about the presence of the former Minister of Education and Culture during the Jokowi era. This can be seen by the number of residents who want to take pictures together. Anies also had time to talk to several residents who were undergoing the first dose of vaccination.
"I want to convey to the public, go to the vaccination site to get the vaccine. So that we have additional protection during this pandemic," said Anies Baswedan in Johar Baru, Saturday, August 21.
The number 1 person in Jakarta said that the vaccination at the mosque is a form of collaboration between the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) in collaboration with all mosque administrators in Jakarta.
"Alhamdulillah, currently places of worship in Jakarta, mosques carry out vaccinations and can reach more because they are located in residential areas that are easily accessible by the public," he said.
Anies hopes that Jakarta residents will have protection and reduce the risk of being exposed to COVID-19 so that the number of cases does not rise again.
The Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta also plans to increase the number of vaccine centers in places of worship. Because according to Anies, vaccination at places of worship makes people more comfortable and closer to settlements.
"Vaccination at this place of worship can also make people calmer. For that in the future, God willing, there will be more to complete because Jakarta has reached more than 9.4 million people who have been vaccinated, we want to get all vaccinated," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Central Jakarta DMI, Syawaludin, said that vaccination in places of worship is a collaboration to help the government in creating herd immunity for the people of DKI Jakarta.
"So far, our target for a day is 150 residents who are vaccinated. However, sometimes it exceeds the target for registration, but it doesn't matter, because we are still coordinating with the Health Office. So we will adjust it to the number registered," he said.