Khofifah: Last Year There Were Still 3 Underdeveloped Villages And 1 Very Underdeveloped Village, This Year There Are No More

JAKARTA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said that currently there are no more villages in his area that are underdeveloped or very underdeveloped. "Last year there were still three underdeveloped villages and one village that was very underdeveloped. Grahadi in Surabaya, reported by Antara, Friday, August 20. This, he said, was after the stipulation of two villages in East Java, namely Renokenongo and Kedungbendo in Sidoarjo Regency as villages that did not meet the criteria for village formation according to Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. grateful because based on the 2021 Developing Village Index (IDM) released by the Ministry of Villages/PDTT, there is no longer a status of underdeveloped and very underdeveloped villages. said the first female governor in East Java.

Thus, he said, there was a very significant increase in the number of independent villages in East Java this year, compared to 2020 as many as 332 villages.

Khofifah also said that villages with developed status in East Java were also recorded to dominate nationally with a total of 3,283 villages, while in 2020 the number was 2,621 villages. various programs, including the "Empowered Village" and "Uncle Desa" programs which provide a stimulus in the form of capital at the village level. To support this program, the East Java Provincial Government has allocated a budget of Rp. worth Rp. 15.1 billion for 151 independent villages. "Thank you to regional heads, sub-district heads, village heads and all village assistants, as well as universities who have provided assistance so that an increase in IDM status is achieved in East Java," said Khofifah, who is also the Chairperson PP Muslimat NU. Meanwhile, the Governor of East Java also appreciate the five villages that are included in the 10 highest national rankings, namely Oro-oro Ombo Village, Sidomulyo Village and Punten Village, all three of which are in Batu City, and in Banyuwangi, Gentengkulon Village and Gentengwetan Village respectively.