Widely Discussed, West Sumatra DPRD Secretary Affirms Repair Of Official Houses Of Rp. 8.8 Billion As Needed

PADANG - West Sumatra DPRD Secretary Raflis said that the repair of the official house and fence of the West Sumatra DPRD with a total value of Rp. 8.8 billion was in accordance with the needs and was important to do this year.

"Rehabilitating the official residence and fence of the West Sumatra DPRD office is considered urgent, including the AC ducting rehabilitation of the main building of the West Sumatra DPRD office with a budget ceiling of IDR 5,493,325,500, but HPS IDR 1,435,321,486," said Raflis in Padang, quoted by Antara, Friday, August 20.

Raflis said that repairs to the official house had already begun. Raflis admitted that the repairs were not in the main house but in the rear.

According to him, the main house has been built since 2015 and the back is no longer feasible, consisting of a driver's room, meeting room and living room as well as a shelter.

Raflis said that after the building repairs were completed, this building would be used for meetings, entertaining guests, where guests stay overnight, and so on.

"This building is to be used as a shelter for disaster mitigation," he said.

Meanwhile for the rehabilitation of the fence, it is also necessary because the fence of the West Sumatra DPRD office is currently a garden and during the last demonstration there was damage because the fence that was owned was not proper and made students rush into the building.

"So this fence will secure the assets in the DPRD office," continued Raflis.

The police also suggested to build a fence that could be more secure, there was a discussion at the DPRD, and it was agreed that an office fence would also be made, besides that official cars were also parked at the office so this needed to be secured.

Meanwhile, there are only three security personnel at night and if the fence is more appropriate, it will help the security personnel in their work.

Then at this time, the AC ducting rehab of the main building of the West Sumatra DPRD Office was also carried out, whose condition was considered to be worthy of being rehabilitated because it had not been replaced since 1995.

"Currently, if the volume of the air conditioner is increased, a kind of dust will come out so it is uncomfortable, besides that it is porous inside," said Raflis.

Raflis conveyed that the capital expenditure budgeting mechanism was in accordance with existing regulations. Including the tender process that is made transparent at the LPSE West Sumatra

West Sumatra LPSE data shows that the budget ceiling for the rehabilitation of the West Sumatra DPRD official house is IDR 7,360,083,900, but the Self Estimated Price (HPS) is IDR 6,876.722,903. Meanwhile, for the rehabilitation of the West Sumatra DPRD office fence, the budget ceiling is Rp. 1,999,635,300, but the HPS is Rp. 1,999,188,855.