KPK Will Collaborate With Ex Corruptors To Provide Anti-Corruption Education And Testimonials To The Public

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) plans to recruit former corruption convicts to strengthen prevention programs. Later, the former corruptor will be given the task of being an anti-corruption counselor.

The plan was submitted by the Deputy for Education and Community Participation of the KPK Wawan Wardiawan. He said that former corrupt convicts who will become counselors are those who have good behavior and have almost completed their sentences in prisons.

"So it should also be explained that the first activity is socialization, socialization to those selective prisoners who actually have two more years to go out, there are a few more months to go out, yes, indeed, they have served their sentences, it's just a matter of time," Wawan said in a statement. an event that aired on the KPK RI YouTube, Friday, August 20.

When carrying out their duties, he continued, ex-convicts who were elected as agents of corruption will carry out socialization about corruption and how it affects the community.

In addition, they will also be asked for testimonies related to corruption which are lessons for the community.

"In the end, we really hope that they can at least provide testimonials that we will use as lessons for state officials or the public, that this is how people commit corruption, live life in prison, and so on," explained Wawan.

He ensured that his party would not play around in selecting ex-convicts who would become extension workers. In fact, this program is already running in two different prisons, namely the Bandung Sukamiskin Prison and the Tangerang Women's Prison.

Wawan said that in Sukamiskin Prison there were 28 candidates for extension officers from corrupt convicts who wanted to immediately go down to the community. But it turns out that only 4 prisoners are possible to become extension workers and this has been consulted.

Meanwhile, in Tangerang prison, out of 22 corrupt inmates, only 3 were selected and allowed to present their testimonies. So, from these two prisons there are a total of 7 extension workers who will tell about their experiences as corruptors.

Although many corrupt convicts are enthusiastic about running this program, Wawan stated that the counseling was temporarily suspended because the COVID-19 pandemic conditions made it impossible to collect their testimonies.

When the situation improves, Wawan hopes that this program can be the best means of counseling about how badly corruption has an impact not only on the country but also on the family.

"Hopefully in the future, when PPKM has started to decrease in level, it can even disappear, so we will continue this program by listening to testimonials from them," he said.

"Then in the future, we will disseminate it as an education for all of us, both for active state administrators or the public, or anyone else to learn lessons from their journey. How painful it was when they began to be called suspects," he concluded.