There Are Pregnant Women Who Are Hesitant To Be Injected With A Vaccine, The Surabaya City Government Will Implement A Mobile Door-to-door Vaccination

SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) will carry out door to door vaccinations for pregnant women (pregnant mothers). This is because some pregnant women did not attend the mass vaccination at the Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Campus C, Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya.

"There are several factors that pregnant women did not come during the mass vaccination last Thursday, one of which was because they had not received permission from their husbands. They were also still hesitant about getting the vaccine," said Head of the Surabaya City Health Service (Dinkes), Febria Rachmanita, in Surabaya, Friday. , August 20.

The mass vaccination on Thursday, August 19, continued Febria, targeted 800 people out of a total of 1,000 pregnant women. "Yesterday the target of 1000, only 800 was achieved. Actually, the target is 1500 again, but there is no vaccine yet, so it is gradual," he said.

Febria said that she would take persuasive approaches to pregnant women regarding the importance of vaccines. He hoped that all pregnant women in Surabaya who had been designated as targets would be willing to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

"We are still taking this approach, because later pregnant women will be required to vaccinate like when we required them to do a PCR test," he said.

In fact, to bring services closer, his party plans to implement door-to-door vaccinations, or go directly to pregnant women's homes as has been done previously for the elderly and disabled.

"Yes, when they can't (come). Like we do with the elderly, with disabilities, we do door to door. If they are still not happy, we go," he said.

Febria said, the safe gestational age to be vaccinated is after the first three months, or after passing the first trimester. It ensures that vaccinations for pregnant women do not harm the fetus or prospective baby.

"We prioritize those who are at high risk, aged 35-40 years. Those who have comorbidities (not acute and controlled), so that the fetus is strong," said Febria.