Examination Of The South Sumatra Police Chief Regarding The Rp2 Trillion Bodong Donation Completed, The National Police Chief Waits For The Report
JAKARTA - The National Police said the special surveillance and inspection team (Wasriksus) had finished examining the South Sumatran Police Chief, Inspector General Eko Indra Heri, regarding the Rp 2 trillion COVID-19 donation from Akidi Tio's son. The inspection report is currently being prepared.
"The team from Wariksus Itwasusm has returned from South Sumatra in order to ask for information at the South Sumatra Police. Then the Propam team has also returned, the Paminal team has also returned," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters, Friday, August 20.
If the examination results have been compiled, continued Argo, all of them will be handed over to the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Based on the results of the report, the next steps will be determined.
"Later, let the results of the examination be submitted to the National Police Chief," continued Argo.
On the other hand, Argo also mentioned the issue of dismissals and mutations which were heavily heard as sanctions against Inspector General Eko Indra Heri for not being careful. According to him, there is a mechanism and it cannot be done without a good reason.
"Regarding the removal and mutation, there are SOPs, there are rules. Of course, we all have to find out later what the results of the Itwasum and Propam activities will be after they are submitted to the National Police Chief," said Argo.
The South Sumatran Police Chief Inspector General Eko Indra Heri was questioned by the National Police's special surveillance and inspection team (Wasriksus) led by Inspector General Agung Wicaksono on Thursday, August 5. The examination lasted for six hours.
The examination was carried out in the investigative audit agenda regarding the Rp2 trillion grant from the late Akidi Tio (a resident from Langsa, East Aceh, Aceh Province) whose whereabouts are not yet clear.