Capital Of Rp. 320 Thousand To Get 1 Unit Of Calya, WA Arrested By Police Takes Away From Rental Car

BEKASI – WA, was arrested for the fraud he committed. Yes, the police officer said this man took away the rental car he rented from various regions. WA's target is a car rental owner he knows.

"The perpetrator rented the victim's vehicle at a rental fee of Rp. 320 thousand per day, but when the deadline for returning the perpetrator was unable to return the vehicle and its whereabouts were unknown," said Bekasi City Police Chief, Kompol Armayni, quoting PMJ, Friday, August 20.

Officers who received reports from a number of victims immediately searched for the perpetrators.

"Then from the results of the investigation, the team finally managed to secure the perpetrator and the vehicle that had been pawned to the Muara Gembong and Subang areas," he continued.

Armayni explained that his party was still investigating the suspect's motive for pawning the rental car. In this case, four types of cars were also secured as evidence.

"The evidence that we have secured are 2 units of Toyota Calya brand car, 1 unit of Toyota Avanza brand car, and 1 unit of Daihatsu Sigra brand car," explained Armayni.

For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code concerning Fraud and or Article 372 of the Criminal Code concerning Fraud. With the threat of imprisonment for 4 years each.