Students From Low-Income Communities In Surabaya Receive Scholarships From OJK Total Rp605 Million, Eri Cahyadi: Matur Nuwun

SURABAYA - Concern for the citizens of Surabaya, especially in the field of education, deserves thumbs up. Evidently, today the Surabaya City Government received assistance from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), in the form of scholarships for students in the city of Surabaya totaling Rp605 million.

Head of OJK Regional IV East Java, Bambang Mukti Riyadi, said the scholarships totaling Rp605 million were handed over to students with low-income communities (MBR), as well as students whose parents work in the field of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) affected by COVID-19.

"So there are two targets, a total of 143 students in Surabaya," said Mukti, Friday, August 20.

The funds worth Rp605 million, continued Mukti, partly came from the participation of OJK employees. This means that all OJK Regional Office IV employees set aside their income to help students in need. This is important to do as proof of his concern for the people of the City of Heroes, especially in the field of education.

"The nominal from our employee participation was collected at Rp. 155 million. This is a form of our empathy in dealing with the pandemic situation. Please don't look at the amount, but we are sincerely willing to help. We always support the Surabaya City Government on an ongoing basis," said Mukti.

In line with that, the Head of the OJK Board, Wimboh Santoso, thanked the Surabaya City Government for its cooperation so far, and supported the presence of OJK in Surabaya. Especially regarding the implementation of OJK's duties on how to direct, guide and monitor financial services in Surabaya and its surroundings.

"Frankly, I want to meet directly with the Mayor of Surabaya, we are happy and happy to see the hard work of all stakeholders working together," said Wimboh.

According to him, this effort is a form of how the presence of OJK can give meaning to the people of Surabaya. Moreover, in the COVID-19 situation, which is considered to have an extraordinary impact.

Therefore, at that moment he also invited all stakeholders to further increase the sense of togetherness and concern for residents in need.

"For this reason, OJK together with other stakeholders will continue to strive to provide convenience policies so that people's lives can return to normal. This is not easy, but at least we can provide a little ammunition to survive," said Wimboh.

Wimboh emphasized that this assistance will continue to be carried out in a sustainable and wider manner. Moreover, this time, the implementation of the scholarship award coincided with the momentum of the National Savings Day which fell on August 20, as determined by the central government since 2019.

"This is also the momentum for the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia and welcomes the 1st anniversary of the OJK decade in the next few months," he said.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, said that OJK's assistance was proof that the City of Heroes really complemented each other and worked together. For him, this will serve as a model for other stakeholders to contribute to communities in need.

"Most of these scholarships for students are from the OJK in Surabaya. I still remember that very well, thank you again," he said.

Eri Cahyadi emphasized that he and the ranks of the Surabaya City Government had also set aside some of their opinions to pay tithe every month. He hopes that when all stakeholders make similar efforts, there will be no more residents in need.

"Fainsyaallah this will be recorded as a Jariyah charity. Panjenengan is an empathetic person. This is also a form of new insight for us and we can use it as a lesson, thank you very much," said Eri.

"On behalf of my younger students and children, I thank you. I can't answer anything, only prayers that we can give to you," he said.