Indonesia's Digital Transformation Through Google Cloud Computing Services

JAKARTA - Tech giant Google, officially operates its first data center in Indonesia. Based on Cloud Platform services, Google is ready to help companies and startups in Indonesia accelerate digital transformation.

In his virtual speech, CEO of Google and Alphabet Sundar Pichai said that the presence of Google Cloud in Jakarta was designed for the needs of its users in Indonesia. This is the 9th data center built by Google in Asia-Pacific.

"Google Cloud is here to support your digital transformation with the same technology, like our other products such as Google Search and Gmail," said Pichai in his keynote speech, Wednesday, June 24.

According to Pichai, the direct presence of this data center will cut latency or lower data access lag in using Google Cloud services. Where this service has spread in 24 regions and 27 zones in 17 countries around the world.

Through this data center, Google Cloud provides five services consisting of computing, database, storage and security, big data, and networking. Not only that, users of this service can take advantage of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to find solutions, to develop business ideas quickly and easily.

Google's move by introducing a data service center was also welcomed by the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate. It is hoped that the presence of this cloud-based data center will be able to accelerate Indonesia's digital transformation.

"The presence of this data center can help strengthen data security and privacy, increase the progress of the digital economy. At the same time, it can sharpen the application of various digital technologies such as data analytics, AI, machine learning, and so on," said Johnny.

Google Cloud Platform Service (Google Cloud)

In addition, Johnny also emphasized the security and sovereignty of Indonesia's data, even though he has access to cloud computing offered by Google. "The Indonesian government has affirmed the main principles in cross-border data management, including the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency."

According to Johnny, these principles are important to apply and have become a topic of discussion in various international forums, such as the International Telecommunication Union forum, the World Economic Forum, the G20 Digital Economy Task Force, and the ASEAN-China Digital Economy Year.

"Because the government is currently working with the DPR RI in the process of accelerating the ratification of the Personal Data Protection Bill or PDP Bill," Johnny concluded.