PKS President: This Nation Needs Collaboration Not Polarization

JAKARTA - The President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Ahmad Syaikhu, reminded all elements of the nation about Indonesia's political stage which should be filled with ideas, not just an exchange of power.

"Democracy requires an exchange of ideas and knowledge, not just an exchange of power," said Syaikhu in a national speech on the 50th anniversary of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Friday, August 20.

Especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, continued Syaikhu, collaboration of all parties is very much needed in getting through the crisis. One of them is the national leadership which has an important role in making the crisis an opportunity for glory.

"A leader brings his nation confidently through the valley of crisis to reach the peak of the nation's glory," said the former deputy mayor of Bekasi.

In addition, Syaikhu assessed that democracy also requires rationality of arguments in discussions. It's not just the absurdity of sentiment that actually makes society divided and polarized.

"This nation needs collaboration, not segregation or polarization. Never clash the identities of fellow nation's children in order to achieve the interests of power," said Syaikhu.

Therefore, he emphasized that Pancasila must be the vision of the national leadership to bring Indonesia to a better direction.

"We must make the vision of national leadership based on Pancasila, make this vision of national leadership as a moral compass in solving various problems," said Syaikhu.