Companies Owned By Conglomerates Sri Pakash Lohia, Martua Sitorus, To The Hartono Brothers 'Jointly' Donate 3,700 Oxygen Concentrators

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry facilitates 28 industrial companies and six Industry Associations that have donated oxygen concentrators, oxygen cylinders, and remdesivir with a total grant of 3,700 oxygen concentrators, 400 oxygen cylinders, 4,057 tons of liquid oxygen, and 15,000 doses of remdesivir which the Ministry of Industry has received gradually since July 2021.

"We have mobilized all the capabilities of the domestic industry to be able to meet the surge in national medical oxygen demand, including by instructing these industrial companies to participate in efforts to treat COVID-19 patients in Indonesia," said Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita at the Handover. COVID-19 Handling Assistance Grant from Companies and Industry Associations, quoted from Antara, Friday 20 August.

According to the Minister of Industry, this industrial participation is a realization of the Circular Letter of the Minister of Industry Number 2 of 2021 concerning Industrial Participation in Efforts to Accelerate the Handling and Control of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.

"The care and sacrifice of the industry towards our fellow human beings during the COVID-19 pandemic is very much appreciated," he said.

"For companies that use oxygen as raw material, they are willing to make sacrifices because the oxygen is directed for medical purposes," said Agus.

Therefore, the Minister of Industry expressed his deepest gratitude to all industrial sectors who have given up their supply of oxygen raw materials, it is possible that the production process will be hampered. But there is no other choice, because saving human lives is now more of a priority.

The companies involved include PT Astra International Tbk, PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors, PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia, PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Indonesia, PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor, Suzuki Motor Corporation, PT Honda Prospect Motors, PT Honda Precision Parts Manufacturing, PT Honda Trading Indonesia, PT Budi Agung Sentosa, and PT Djarum belonging to the conglomerate Hartono Brothers.

Next, PT Indorama Syntetics owned by conglomerate Sri Pakash Lohia, PT. Indorama Ventures, PT Alasmas Berkat Utama, PT Steelforce Indonesia, PT Vivo Mobile Indonesia, PT Bright Mobile Telecommunication (OPPO), PT Langgeng Kreasi Jaya, PT Karunia Alam Segar (WINGS), PT Miwon Indonesia, PT Tirta Investama, PT Arena Agro, PT Frisian Flag Indonesia, PT Nestle Indonesia, PT Best, PT Bina Karya Prima, PT Mayora Indah Tbk owned by conglomerate Jogi Hendra Atmadja, and Wilmar Group owned by conglomerate Martua Sitorus.

The contributions from industry associations include the Indonesian Textile Association (API), the All-Indonesian Mobile Phone Association (APSI), the Indonesian Refined Sugar Association (AGRI), the Indonesian Edible Oil Industry Association (AIMMI), the Association of Various Indonesian Ceramic Industries (ASAKI), and Association of Sheet and Safety Glass (AKLP).

"We have distributed assistance in the form of oxygen concentrators through the Crisis Center of the Ministry of Health and a number of local governments such as Lampung, South Kalimantan, East Java, Solo City and following other regions in Indonesia," said Agus.

The Minister of Industry hopes that companies and associations that have committed to providing grants can immediately realize their assistance.

"In addition to this assistance, the Ministry of Industry has also procured nine oxygen generators, 5,000 oxygen concentrators, 7,000 oxygen cylinders and facilitated Centralized Self-Isolation for employees and the community within the Ministry of Industry. Because the government is no longer using the isoman approach, we want all isolation to be centralized so that really awake and controlled," he added.