Deputy Prabowo At The Ministry Of Defense Who Is Also General Andika Perkasa Appointed Erick Thohir As President Commissioner Of PT Len Industri

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of SOEs as the shareholder of PT Len Industri (Persero) has changed the composition of the members of the Board of Commissioners. The Ministry appointed Deputy Minister of Defense (Wamenhan) Muhammad Herindra as President Commissioner Len, and assigned Dean Arslan as an independent commissioner from his previous role as the main commissioner.

The changes were determined and ratified through the submission of the Decree of the Minister of SOEs Number: SK-274/MBU/08/2021 which was carried out online, on Thursday 19 August 2021.

"The shareholders made the change of President Commissioner Len. This step is related to the seriousness of the government's steps in assigning PT Len Industri as the Chairman of the Defense Industry BUMN Holding, DEFEND ID, which is targeted to be achieved in 2021," said Director of Len, Bobby Rasyidin in a statement. he wrote, Friday, August 20.

Before becoming the Deputy Minister of Defense at the end of 2020, Herindra was trusted to be the Chief of the General Staff of the TNI since October 21, 2020. The position he held after becoming the Inspector General of the TNI from 2018 to 2020.

He graduated from the Military Academy class of 1987 and contemporaries with the Army Chief of Staff General Andika Perkasa. Herindra, who was born in Magelang, November 30, 1964, earned Adhi Makayasa or was the best graduate in his class at that time.

Herindra's military career began as a platoon commander, climbing to the Commander of the Sandiyudha Regiment, to the Special Forces Command. Then in 2015-2016 he was appointed Commander General of Kopassus.

In 2015 Herindra was the Chief of Staff of the Siliwangi Regional Military Command (Kasdam), before becoming the Danjen Kopassus. He served as Commander of the Siliwangi Kodam in 2016-2017 after becoming the Danjen Kopassus.

Thus, the composition of Len's Board of Commissioners as of 19 August 2021 is:

- Muhammad Herindra as President Commissioner

- Zuryati Simbolon as Commissioner

- Bambang Kusharto as Commissioner

- Dean Arslan as Independent Commissioner

- Rindoko Dahono as Independent Commissioner

- Helvi Yuni Moraza as Independent Commissioner

PT Len Industri (Persero) is a technology-based state-owned company engaged in the business lines of Defense Electronics, Transportation Systems, New Renewable Energy, ICT and Navigation Systems.

Len in the defense industry focuses his competence in the field of C5ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) to supply defense equipment and support the operational needs of the TNI and the Ministry of Defense.

Mainstay products in the defense industry include: tactical data links, defense radars, target drones, MALE Black Eagle drone mission systems, warship combat systems, Gunnery Firing Range (GFR), tactical radios, and others.