Beware Of Illegal Loan Offering Modes Via WhatsApp And SMS And Install The OJK Logo In Their Ads

JAKARTA - Head of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) of Central Sulawesi Province (Sulteng) Gamal Abdul Kahar appealed to the public to recognize various types of illegal online loan modes (Pinjol) in offering loans.

The rise of illegal loan offers with the lure of quick and easy loans makes people have to be extra careful so they don't get trapped.

"First, the loan offer mode is via WhatsApp or Short Message Service (SMS). A message appears from an SMS or WA from an unknown number claiming to be able to apply for a loan without any conditions," he said, quoted from Antara, Friday, August 20.

In fact, said Gamal, OJK registered and licensed lenders are prohibited from submitting offers through personal communication facilities without the user's consent.

To apply for a loan, you must meet a number of requirements to mitigate the risks that must be borne by the platform and its users.

"Second, the direct mode of transfer to the victim's account. The illegal lender directly transfers some money to the victim's account, even though the victim has never borrowed funds from the illegal lender who made the transfer," he said.

He said the intention behind the action was so that the loan could terrorize the victim and collect a fine if it was overdue.

Third, the mode of replicating the name is similar to the legal loan. Illegal Pinjol advertises its products using names that only differ in spaces, one letter, uppercase or lowercase letters similar to legal Pinjol to trick victims.

"In fact, many illegal lending modes put the OJK logo in their advertisements to deceive potential victims," he added.