Pandemic Can Emerge New Entrepreneurs

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR RI, A. Rizki Sadig said, the current COVID-19 pandemic situation has made many creative people appear. The limitations of activities have not stopped some parties from spilling their ideas in the form of a business that is useful for many people.

"A situation where social interaction is reduced so that new traders appear. People who are engaged in the culinary field, are engaged in convection and so on," said Rizki Sadig in a discussion organized by the Directorate General of Information and Public Communication (Ditjen IKP) of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, with the theme "Utilization of ICT for Social and Economic", quoted Thursday 19 August.

Rizki Sadig recounted that his friend, who is in the field of product design and so on, used to want to hold a wedding, circumcision or any other event that used an invitation, to print, then send and write the invitation addressed to whom.

"But with current developments it is no longer necessary, it is digital. If there is an error, it can be corrected until it is completely finished and delivery is no longer necessary conventionally, but we can use digital delivery. So we can save energy, save costs, save time," he explained.

All of this, he continued, is part of a process that must be "enjoyed" together and everyone is required to adapt. Everything has been an evolution or movement towards a digital process that is getting faster and faster.

"We are still talking about industry 4.0 now, maybe later it will improve even more. So he (technology) develops faster than we ourselves to learn, that's then the advantage of this technology," he concluded.