Oxygen Stock Starts Limited, Mypets Group Conducts Oxygen Concentrator Borrowing Social Program

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic, which is still not over, has created new problems that are currently being faced by the government, one of which is the limited number of ICU rooms and hospitals due to overcrowding with patients. To overcome this, the government is forced to urge people who do not get to the hospital to undergo self-isolation at home and of course while still paying attention to health protocols.

The problem of the availability of hospitals and ICU rooms has not yet been resolved, the community is now also faced with the problem of the availability of oxygen which is starting to run out. The Indonesian Ministry of Health said that oxygen supplies for COVID-19 sufferers were starting to be limited because the use of oxygen exceeded the limit up to six times the usual. Because of this, the price of oxygen is slowly increasing.

On the other hand, many COVID-19 sufferers need oxygen because one of the symptoms often experienced by COVID-19 sufferers is decreased oxygen in the body or happy hypoxia. These symptoms can cause a decrease in oxygen in the body and cause a person to experience shortness of breath suddenly. If it is not treated, it will lead to a fatal risk.

In order to help COVID-19 patients, the Mypets group conducted a social activity of borrowing an Oxygen Concentrator for COVID-19 sufferers with an oxymeter of less than 90 for free. The CSR lending activity for the Oxygen Concentrator tool was carried out on August 13, 2021 until the CSR program for borrowing the tool was completed.

"We hope that the distribution of aid in the form of oxygen borrowing can help people who are struggling against COVID-19. I hope this activity can run smoothly and the community will soon be healthy from COVID-19," said Mypets Group CEO, Evi, in a written statement, Thursday 19 August.

This social activity will be carried out by distributing a total of 30 oxygen devices spread across four Mypets branches in Indonesia. The four branches include Mypets Adam Malik Medan, Sobat Bulu Hankam Bekasi, Mypets Graha Raya Bintaro, and Paws Park Serpong.

"This activity is of course carried out with strict health protocols and security is carried out by the store so that activities can run smoothly and orderly," said Yus Apriyadi as National Business Manager of Mypets Group.

The following is the mechanism for the social activity of borrowing the Oxygen Concentrator tool organized by Mypets Group:

Information dissemination

Mypets group will disseminate information through advertising media or other information media. The Mypets team will create an e-poster with a caption regarding the CSR of the oxygen concentrator tool needed via Whatsapp broadcast by the Mypets team to Mypets customers.

Setting up terms and conditions

For prospective borrowers who are interested, they are required to prepare loan terms and conditions. The terms and conditions include guarantee of original family card, photocopy of PCR / antigen results, filling out the registration form provided, sending photos of oximeters or photos of patients who need oxygen, sending via wa link googlemap the patient's location.

Come to the Mypets group store

After preparing some terms and conditions, participants can visit Mypets stores spread across Jabodetabek and Medan. Later participants will fill out a form and provide the files that have been prepared in advance. This process is carried out using health protocols and 3M implementation and is accompanied by strict security.


After the process of submitting the terms and conditions document, Mypets will keep the document until the oxygen is returned. Mypets will do daily and monthly recaps.