In Three Days 12 Natural Disasters Happened In Agam, The Causes Of High Rainfall

JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra recorded 12 natural disasters in the form of landslides and fallen trees that hit the area due to high rainfall on August 17-19 2021.

"There were no casualties as a result of the incident and material losses are being recorded," said the Head of the Agam BPBD, Muhammad Lutfi Ar in Lubukbasung, as reported by Antara, Thursday, August 19.

The 12 natural disasters included two falling trees and 10 landslides. Fallen trees occurred in Lubukbasung and Ampeknagari sub-districts.

Meanwhile, five landslides occurred in Tanjungraya Sub-district, one in Ampeknagari, one in Lubukbasung, two in Palembayan, and one in Malalak.

The natural disaster occurred from Tuesday, August 17 to Thursday, August 19. On Tuesday, August 17 at around 10.20 WIB, two landslides covered the provincial road linking Palembayan to Matur where it is located at KM 88 Jorong Baringin, Nagari Baringin.

"We have coordinated with the West Sumatra DPUPR for clearing landslide materials and clearing landslides is ongoing," he said. He admitted that landslides and fallen trees occurred due to high rainfall that hit the area from Tuesday, August 17 to Thursday, August 19.

With this incident, he appealed to residents living in the highlands, along rivers and lowlands to increase awareness of landslides and floods.

"We also urge motorists to be careful passing through hilly areas and immediately look for safer areas if they see signs of landslides," he said.