Mahfud MD: In The Current Era TPPU And TPPT Are Getting Faster, This Is The Anticipation

JAKARTA - The rapid development of technology for the perpetrators of the crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) and the Financing of Terrorism (TPPT) are increasingly complex and difficult to trace. According to Mahfud MD, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, this must be anticipated.

"With the development of technology and the complexity of the modus operandi of the perpetrators of the crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) and the Unpredictability of the Financing of Terrorism (TPPT), it provides new threat opportunities that we must mitigate and anticipate quickly and precisely, one of which is by looking at what is happening. contained in this year's NRA Manuscript," he continued at the launch of the 2021 Risk Assessment script or commonly known as the National Risk Assessment (NRA), which took place online and with strict health protocols at the Yunus Husein Auditorium PPATK Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 19.

The launch of the NRA is Indonesia's response to the latest developments in the risk situation by identifying, analyzing, and evaluating various risks of money laundering, terrorism financing, and funding for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, both within the scope of domestic and foreign risks (inward risk and outward risk). up-to-date.

Mahfud MD and Dian Ediana Rae. (PPATK Doc)

In the activity which was opened by the Chairman of the National Coordinating Committee for the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering (the TPPU Committee), Mahfud MD. Mahfud said that updating this year's NRA is a concrete form of implementing Recommendation Number 1 of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) and responding to the evaluation notes in the Asia Pacific Group's Mutual Evaluation Review (MER) on Money Laundering (APG) 2018. 2021 will not only fulfill recommendations but also be a domestic need in determining national directions and policies," Mahfud explained.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court said that updating the NRA is an adaptive form of Indonesia in responding to the dynamics of the current situation and risk conditions, especially during the pandemic. "With the development of technology and the complexity of the modus operandi of the perpetrators of the crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) and the Unpredictability of the Financing of Terrorism (TPPT), it provides new threat opportunities that we must mitigate and anticipate quickly and precisely, one of which is by looking at what is happening. contained in this year's NRA Manuscript," he continued.


The head of PPATK, Dian Ediana Rae explained that Indonesia had carried out the first NRA assessment in 2015 and a consolidated 2015 NRA Updated assessment was carried out on various sectoral risk assessments and white papers during the 2015 to 2020 period. very strong in the effort to prevent and eradicate the crime of money laundering. Various steps to strengthen Indonesia's commitment have been implemented solidly through a national policy strategy in efforts to prevent and eradicate money laundering in Indonesia," he said.

Dian added that Indonesia is consistently and progressively in terms of efforts to prevent and eradicate money laundering offenses, money laundering offenses, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (PSPM). "Several efforts have been made, including pushing for the Bill on Asset Confiscation and the Bill on Currency Limitation, expansion of new Reporting Parties, expansion of money laundering offenses investigators, establishment of Public Private Partnerships (PPP), formation of various Task Forces, and development of the Domestic PEP database," explained the Head of PPATK.

Updating the NRA will be a valuable input into the MER process Indonesia is currently undergoing. Moreover, the Government of Indonesia has committed to encourage Indonesia to become part of the FATF, which is currently still an Observer. Indonesia's joining the FATF will prove the integrity of Indonesia's financial system, which so far is the only member of the G-20 that has not yet joined the FATF.

Diana Ediana Rae. (PPATK Doc)

From the results of the NRA on TPPU Indonesia in 2021, there are several changes and conditions for new threats to aspects of prevention and eradication of ML/TPPT/PPSPM. Corruption and Narcotics are types of predicate crimes of money laundering offenses that have a high risk of domestic money laundering. Some examples of ML cases resulting from corruption that have involved a number of regional heads and are affiliated with political parties such as the ZH case worth Rp54.4 billion. The money laundering crime case resulting from the corruption of the natural resources sector which resulted in state losses of Rp. 37.8 trillion, the corruption case of investment fund financial management which resulted in state losses of Rp. 16.81 trillion.

Corruption and Narcotics are types of predicate crimes which are categorized as high threat of money laundering offences abroad (outward risk). Disclosure of ML Cases resulting from Narcotics, FB Network with transaction data of all related parties examined for Rp. 6.4 trillion, FY of Rp. 27 trillion, and LB of Rp. 181 trillion which is the International Narcotics Network. Disclosure of ML cases resulting from Transnational Corruption such as the Garuda ES Corruption Case of Rp. worth Rp5.9 trillion.

Fraud, Corruption, Fund Transfer, Narcotics, Electronic Transaction Information (ITE) or SIBER are types of predicate crimes of money laundering offenses categorized as high threat of money laundering offenses to Indonesia (Inward Risk). Lately, Indonesia has often been the destination country for transferring funds in cases of fraudulent business transactions or Business Email Comproise (BEC) by international network syndicates, including the Case for the Purchase of COVID-19 Equipment from Italy amounting to IDR 56 billion, from the Netherlands IDR 27 billion , from Athens, Greece, Rp. 111 billion, from Argentina, Rp. 40 billion.

During the 2016-2020 period, there were 336 decisions on money laundering cases that have permanent legal force and have been identified in this 2021 NRA study showing that the estimated accumulated value of the proceeds of crime is IDR 44.2 trillion. Of this amount, the largest crime value is narcotics crime of Rp. 21.5 trillion (48.67 percent), fraud is of Rp. 14.2 trillion (32.08 percent), corruption is Rp. 5.05 trillion (11.4 percent). ), criminal acts of embezzlement (2.94 percent), crimes in the banking sector (1.36 percent), crimes of fund transfer (1.07 percent), crimes in the taxation sector (1.05 percent). This condition can certainly damage the integrity of the financial system and the national economy.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, crimes of fraud, corruption, narcotics, fund transfer crimes and embezzlement have a high potential risk of money laundering in Indonesia. In real terms, there were several cases during the COVID-19 pandemic, including related to the crime of transferring funds for business transactions or Business Email Compromise (BEC) and corruption related to the misuse of social assistance. Meanwhile, the perpetrators of crimes who have a high risk of money laundering offenses include corporations and individuals.

Mahfud MD hopes that the establishment of this rule can minimize ML and TPPT.