Don't Expect To See Kevin / Marcus And Ahsan / Hendra At The Home Tournament
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) is holding a Home Tournament which will be held today, Wednesday, June 24. This tournament begins by competing the men's doubles sector first.
There are six pairs who will go down. However, don't expect to see the pair Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo / Marcus Fernaldi Gideon or Hendra Setiawan / Mohammad Ahsan.
The reason is, PBSI decided to separate them. Kevin was not paired with Marcus, but with junior player Mohammad Reza Pahlevi Isfahan. Meanwhile Marcus was tagged with Muhammad Shohibul Fikri.
Meanwhile, Hendra will partner Pramudya Kusumawardana. Ahsan was also partnered with Leo Rolly Carnado.
PBSI Head of Mentoring and Achievement, Susy Susanti, said the decision was made based on the trainer's consideration. The reason is to add to the experience of young players.
In addition, of course, for the match to be more exciting if the strengths of the three main men's doubles are separated. This was admitted by a senior PBSI player, Hendra Setiawan.
"If the partners are not divided, the strength will be uneven. This is good for young players, they can experience playing with seniors," said Hendra.
According to Hendra, there are many benefits from this separation. He feels the senior players can learn how to guide the younger players.
Hendra then warmly welcomed the tournament that was held by PBSI. According to him, the players can feel the atmosphere again. Understandably, they last competed at the All England 2020 event last March.
It's been a long time since we competed, surely the air of the competition is starting to disappear. In addition, this internal tournament can also eliminate boredom, "said Hendra.