Motorcyclist Arrogance Video Confess To Police, West Jakarta Police Chief: Perpetrators Are Not Members Of The Police

JAKARTA - A video circulated on social media of a motorcyclist claiming to be a police officer arguing with a car driver on Jalan Latumenten, Jelambar, West Jakarta. In response to this, the West Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Pol Ady Wibowo has received information from both parties.

Based on the examination, the motorcyclist was not a member of the police (not a member of the National Police), moreover a member of the Polda Metro Jaya.

"We have met the motorcyclist. Indeed, the narrative mentions members of the Metro Police. But we have checked, nothing," said Ady, Thursday, August 19.

Ady also said that the motorcyclist was only a civilian. This case is considered closed, and no criminal element was found.

"Maybe it's just a bickering as a driver. But we didn't find any criminal elements," said Ady.

The two warring parties have also made peace and there are no further problems.

"There were no further problems from both parties. Because the motorcycle rider was surprised to be honked, so he was shocked and there was a slight quarrel," Ady explained.

Previously, a video recording uploaded to the Instagram account @jabodetabekcom, Wednesday, August 18, showed the motorcyclist claiming to be a member of the Polda Metro Jaya. In the video, there is a heated argument between the motorcyclist and someone in the car.

The driver made remarks allegedly aimed at showing the identity of one of the legal agencies.