Members Of The DPR From The PDIP Faction Ask For The Development Of COVID-19 Therapeutic Drugs Not Only SOE Monopoly: The Private Sector Must Also Get It

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the DPR RI from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (FPDIP) faction, Rahmad Handoyo, said that the government must provide equal opportunities to national private pharmaceutical companies to produce drugs needed by the state. According to him, the opportunity should be given widely and not only be the domain of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).

"Remember, private companies are also the pillars of the national economy. I think if the private pharmaceutical industry outside of state-owned enterprises can grow big, I think our nation will profit millions," he said in a written statement as quoted on Thursday, August 19.

According to Rahmad, it is impossible for the current government to handle COVID-19, but must involve all elements of society, including the provision of medicines.

"Regarding drugs, we encourage the government for certain types of drugs, such as antiviral drugs, to be produced in Indonesia so that we are not too dependent on imported drugs from abroad. That is one solution," he said,

The legislator from the constituency of Central Java also said that the parliament would encourage pharmaceutical companies outside of state-owned enterprises to be able to produce drugs domestically.

"When private pharmaceutical companies are able to produce domestic pharmaceutical needs, we welcome them," he said.

Furthermore, Rahmad assessed that anyone who is able to produce medicines needed by the state to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic should be welcomed.

The domestic pharmaceutical industry, both state-owned and private, he continued, must be accelerated in licensing, not hampered so that it can increase productivity to meet domestic drug needs.

"We have to be fair, whoever is a pharmaceutical company that can produce drugs and multivitamins that the people need, just go ahead. The people will be happy, the government will be happy, and the industry will also grow," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the sealing of PT Harsen, one of the local pharmaceutical industries that produces Ivermectin, Rahmad supports BPOM's move. But he warned, all parties must be given the right to produce Ivermectin.

"If yesterday there was a problem between BPOM and PT Harsen regarding Ivermectin, of course that is the domain of BPOM. But thankfully it has been completed and PT Harsen must be allowed to return to producing. Of course not only Indofarma or Kimia Farma, PT Harsen must also be given the right to produce Ivermectin or COVID-19 medicines, I think there must be a principle of equality," he said.

But he reminded, because this is not an over-the-counter drug, of course not everyone can take it without the supervision of a doctor.

"Don't let hard drugs like Ivermectin be bought over-the-counter without a doctor's prescription," concluded Rahmad.