Police Explore Other Motives Of John Kei And Nus Kei's Conflict

JAKARTA - Police investigators continue to dig up information from John Kei regarding the case of assault and house destruction, until one victim dies. The police suspect that there is another motive behind the attack.

However, from the results of the examination that had been carried out, John Kei admitted that there was no other motive. John Kei told investigator that the reason for the attack was due to the problem of unequal distribution of assets.

"Actually, this is a personal matter that the results of John Kei's examination, he admits felt betrayed by Nus Kei. One of them is the problem of money or land, there are still several other (motives, ed) that John Kei has not disclosed, only he said that every time he was asked I was betrayed by Nus Kei, "said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 23.

According to him, Nus Kei had actually discussed this issue with John Kei via a short message. From here Nus Kei asked for a solution to the problem without involving other people or group members from them.

However, John Kei never responded to Nus Kei's words. Thus, the problem also led to cases of persecution and vandalism.

"Actually, it's been quite a while, but in their chat, this is still a matter for both of them, if you can meet together don't bring another group of friends, don't involve others, just two of them, but they don't respond, even WA never replied, so this is what happens, "said Yusri.

John Kei denied being the mastermind of the attack

John Kei's attorney, Anton Sudanto, denied that his client was the mastermind of the attack by his subordinates. According to him, there is no solid evidence to prove this.

"Of course we deny it, because there is no evidence at all but this is still under investigation," said Anton.

Anton said, the current evidence must be proven and verified. It does not immediately mean that his client is the mastermind of the action.

"So let the investigators test it, we will see what the progress will be," said Anton.

He asked that investigators handling this case must prioritize the presumption of innocence. Because, there must be evidence and legal force to say someone is guilty or breaking the law.

"For John Kei, we still have to put forward that there is a presumption of innocence. We should not immediately blame someone before there is a permanent legal force," said Anton.