The Need To Anticipate The Possible Wave Of Afghan Refugees To Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Indonesian government was asked to anticipate the arrival of a wave of refugees from Afghanistan after the Taliban group regained control of the country's government. as well as the pattern of handling foreign refugees (PPLN). "Such as inventorying the needs for rescue, acceptance, and handling of needs from possible waves of refugees from Afghanistan that may reach Indonesian territory either by air or by sea," Reza said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 18. Reza explained, following the control of the Afghan government by the Taliban, the local people who were traumatized by the atrocities of the previous Taliban government, suddenly rushed out of their country to seek safety and protection to various countries.

Those who fled, mainly, said Reza, urban communities in Kabul who are known to be cosmopolitan and contrary to the beliefs held by the Taliban, so they flocked to the airport in the hope of quickly flying out of Afghanistan. minority communities in Afghanistan, such as non-ethnic Pashtuns, as well as non-Sunnis. So the massive wave of migration of the Afghan people that is currently happening is something that cannot be avoided," he said again. So it is believed that this will have a global impact, although initially the migration pattern moves to neighboring countries, but gradually it will move Therefore, said Reza again, in addition to preparing the needs for rescue, acceptance and handling of refugees, his party also encourages Indonesia to immediately coordinate with international institutions to ensure international community support and commitment to the humanitarian efforts that will be carried out by Indonesia for refugees from Afghanistan. Then, to determine the role of each Indonesian government institution at various levels, both provincial and district/city in the scheme of rescuing, handling and sheltering refugees. Indonesian people to solemnly awareness and preparedness to welcome and assist refugees from Afghanistan who are very likely to arrive in Indonesia in the near future,” he said. transit destination. "This policy is expected to reaffirm Indonesia's position in fulfilling the principle of responsibility to protect the international community," he said again.