PSI Wants To Interpel Anies On Formula E, PAN Disagrees: It Doesn't Feel Good

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the DPRD from the PAN faction, Zita Anjani, admitted that she did not agree with the plan to propose an interpellation right for the council made by the PSI faction.

In this case, PSI proposed an interpellation to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan regarding the plan to hold Formula E.

"Interpellation is indeed the right of all members of the council. It can be used at any time. However, interpelling the provincial government regarding Formula E, I think is not appropriate," Zita told reporters, Wednesday, August 18.

Zita assessed that Anies' plan to organize Formula E had gone through a long process. Starting from the Consultant's review, to the approval of the previous year's budget disbursement by the DPRD.

"Therefore, it doesn't feel good if we have agreed together, then we are also the ones who have a problem with it," said Zita.

Zita admitted that she did not agree if there was a problem with Formula E in relation to interfering with the handling of COVID-19 in the capital. Because the current handling of COVID-19 is fairly good.

"So far, DKI Jakarta has handled the Covid-19 the best. Vaccination has exceeded the President's target. Even in the midst of economic difficulties, DKI Jakarta is still able to provide assistance to residents affected by COVID-19," said Zita.

Therefore, Zita asked Anies to help Anies in handling COVID-19 in Jakarta instead of applying for the right of interpellation.

For information, the interpellation proposal was rolled out after Anies made the Formula E racing event one of the priority agendas for 2021-2022. This is stated in the Instruction of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 49 of 2021. The right of interpellation has not been proposed. Because according to the rules, there must be a minimum of 15 members of the council who propose the right of interpellation so that the Chairperson of the DKI DPRD can realize it. If this materializes, Anies will be summoned by the DPRD to explain the reasons for continuing to maintain Formula E. The PSI faction has eight members. Meanwhile, the requirement to apply for the right of interpellation must be at least 15 members of the council and must have more than one faction. This means that PSI must lobby other party factions to make their wishes come true.