Hundreds Of Houses In Nias Are Submerged By Floods

NIAS - Hundreds of houses in Bawalato Subdistrict, Nias Regency, North Sumatra were flooded due to the overflowing of the Idano Mola River following the heavy rains that lashed the area in recent days.

"The houses that have been flooded so far are the houses of residents heading to the Onolimbu Beach, namely Legisimahe, Siofaewali, Sohoya and Tagaule villages," said Nias Regency religious leader Pdt. Bethel Ndraha quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 18.

He said hundreds of houses inhabited by approximately 500 families have been flooded since Monday (16/8) due to the overflow of the Idano Mola River.

"Hundreds of houses in the four villages were flooded due to the overflow of the Idano Mola River due to continuous rains in Nias," he explained.

Bethel said that the Nias Regency Government provided rice and other necessities to the residents, but the assistance was considered insufficient and could not cover the needs of the residents.

"Indeed, there were several sacks of rice and others that were given to residents, but the amount was very minimal, and what the residents need at this time is a public kitchen, because on average, residents' kitchens and cooking utensils are submerged in water," he said.

Currently, continued Bethel, most of the residents sleep in the church because their houses were flooded, and residents whose houses have legs and an attic are still sleeping in their houses.

"We hope that the Nias Regency Government will build a public kitchen in the church yard that is quite high and not flooded, because most residents cannot cook in their respective homes," he said.