2 Climbers Of Mount Bawakaraeng, South Sulawesi, Died, Suspected Of Hypothermia

MAKASSAR - The Makassar National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) is evacuating two climbers who were found dead after attending the August 17 Flag Ceremony at the top of Mount Bawakaraeng, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi.

"After we received reports of mountain climbers who died, rescuers on duty on stand-by security for Red and White Alert have moved to the scene," said Head of Makassar Basarnas, Djunaidi, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 18.

According to the plan, after the rescue team arrived at the location to evacuate, said Djunaidi, the victim's body would be taken to the Tinggi Mancing Health Center, Gowa Regency. However, the identity of the victim is not yet known.

He said, to anticipate the incident, Basarnas and a joint team had carried out a special alert from August 16-18 called the Red and White Alert team. This team guards the climbers while raising the Red and White flag. Basarnas is also assisted by 76 nature lover organizations, with a total of 150 personnel.

"From the results of the current guard, it was found that two victims died, first at post seven, second between posts five and six. Both victims suffered from hypothermia, now the team is being evacuated," he explained.

His party has also made full efforts to prevent climbers from climbing from various points of entry to the summit of Mount Bawakaraeng, but they still escape. Even the Red and White Alert Team has been alert to the maximum, it's just that there are still casualties.

The victim is suspected of having hypothermia or a drastic drop in body temperature due to being in a cold environment for a long time. Mount Bawakaraeng has a height of 2,830 meters above sea level and is the fifth highest mountain in the South Sulawesi region.

So far, according to the latest developments, one body has arrived at the Tinggi Moncong Health Center, while another body is still on the way, which the rescue team evacuated from between posts five and six.

Confirmed separately, the Head of the Tinggimoncong Police, Iptu Hasan Fadly, said that the two fatalities were identified by a man named Stiven, a resident of Palantikan, Gowa, who was found at post seven. Meanwhile, another victim, Rian, having his address near BTN Samata, Gowa, was found at post five, a local mountain.

"It is true that a mountain climber who died was found at post 5 and currently the SAR team is trying to evacuate the victim. Today there are two fatalities, the cause of death is suspected to be hypothermia or cold," he said.

Meanwhile, the Gowa Police Chief, AKBP Tri Goffaruddin when confirmed, confirmed that the two victims who died on Mount Bawakaraeng were residents of Gowa Regency.

"I, as the Head of the Gowa Police, along with all ranks, share my condolences, so that the bereaved family will endure this test," he said.

From the data obtained by the Red and White Alert Team, participants participated in the raising of the Red and White flag to commemorate the 76th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia in 2021 at the top of Mount Bawakaraeng, totaling 812 people from groups of nature lovers, and nature lover organizations from various other campuses.