2021 Golden Globes Award Postponed

JAKARTA - The award ceremony for the Golden Globes film and series has decided to postpone its event next year. Usually, this event is held at the beginning of the year but has to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, the event will be held on February 28, 2021. Not only the Golden Globes, a number of other awards events such as BAFTA and Oscars have also moved their event dates.

Oscar was originally scheduled for February 28 to April 25 2021, while BAFTA was from February 14 to April 11, 2021.

Apart from the date of the event, a number of rules were changed due to this situation. It is known that during the four months, no film was released commercially through the theaters. Some of them even release movies to streaming services.

Therefore, films that are released in television format (streaming, cable television, television) have the opportunity to be nominated for the Golden Globes in an alternative way. In addition, the Black Lives Matter protest which was held some time ago also changed the organizing team's thinking in choosing nominations.

Later, they promise nominations chosen according to diversity and respect for various ethnicities and races. Avoiding excessive competition, the jury also applies fairly in the selection of nominations.

The nominations for the 2021 Golden Globes will not be announced anytime soon as they are still coordinating the selection of nominations.