Sri Mulyani Redesigned The 2021 Budgeting System With The Concept Of Money Follow Program
JAKARTA - The government will implement a budget redesign or redesign policy that will be implemented in the 2021 budgeting system. The goal is to create optimal and effective spending realization in the future.
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said the follow money program concept would be adopted in the 2021 budget redesign system. So, he said, later there would be clarity in terms of budgeting.
Furthermore, Sri Mulyani explained, actually this redesign had already started in 2020. However, because there was a COVID-19 pandemic, there was a very big disruption. So, this policy will start in 2021.
"So our goal to redesign the budgeting system is how to accelerate what has been initiated so far, namely building a money follow program. So the program is clear so that the money is clear why it is budgeted so much," he said, in a working meeting with Commission XI of the Indonesian Parliament, Tuesday, June 23. .
According to Sri, there are a number of aspects that the government wants to achieve from this budget redesign process. Among them are strengthening the implementation of performance-based budgets and convergence of programs and activities of line ministries.
Not only that, Sri also admitted that so far there were still many weaknesses in the budgeting system. This is what sometimes prevents government goals or programs from being properly realized.
"The results of our evaluation that so far central and regional spending are often out of sync with the coordination between the center and the regions. For example, the physical DAK (special allocation funds) regarding roads. Between national, provincial, district or city road priorities need synchronization which of course benefits better than allocated. planned in an uncoordinated manner, "he said.
Sri explained that so far the programs used in the planning and budgeting documents are different. So if you want to consolidate programs starting from poverty alleviation, health, education, it is necessary to synchronize again the budget documents at Bappenas and planning at each K / L with the DIPA program, namely the budgeting.
Macro assumptions for 2021 have been agreed upon by @DPR_RI and the Government More details at 👉
- #UangKita (@KemenkeuRI) June 23, 2020
Apart from that, said Sri, K / L also often convey budget normatively. So it is quite difficult for the fiscal authority to track the implementation of its program.
"This is certainly our focus in 2020 and 2021. This APBN fund is now a very important instrument for economic recovery and for handling COVID-19. We all know that our APBN has limited fiscal space as well," he said.