Twitter Tests New Features, Users Can Report Missinformation Tweets

JAKARTA - Twitter is reportedly testing a new feature, where users can report a misleading tweet. Currently, the feature is only available to some users in the United States (US), South Korea and Australia.

Selected users will be asked to vote for a tweet, and generate a response whether the tweet is misleading or not. Users will be presented with two categories at once, namely politics and health.

Quoted from Engadget, Wednesday 18 August, the political category includes more specific forms of misinformation such as content related to elections. The health category will also include an option for users to flag false information regarding COVID-19

This is in line with the fact-checking and other disinformation efforts Twitter has made over the past year and a half. The company has previously introduced label tweets to eliminate misinformation selection on its platform.

The microblogging network also said it would run the experiment for several months before deciding to roll it out globally. However, not every report will be reviewed as the platform continues to test the feature. But the data gleaned through testing will help companies determine how they can expand the feature over the next few weeks. The test can be used to identify tweets that contain misinformation, and have the potential to go viral as well.

Although just an experiment, this is a significant step for Twitter, which previously had limited reporting tools for misinformation on its platform. Unlike Facebook, which uses a large network of fact-checkers to debunk lies. Twitter's fact-checking initiatives are more focused and less on large networks.