President Jokowi Urged To Dismiss KPK And BKN Leaders Due To Troubled TWK Novel Baswedan Et Al

JAKARTA - The Civil Society Coalition urges President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to follow up on the findings and recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) and the Indonesian Ombudsman regarding the National Insight Test (TWK) for employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

The findings of the two institutions have similarities in that the TWK process which removed senior investigator Novel Baswedan and dozens of other people turned out to be problematic. In fact, Komnas HAM stated that there were 11 rights violations that occurred in the test.

"The president must follow up on the findings and recommendations of Komnas HAM to take over directly the handling and appointment of 75 KPK employees and ask the Secretary General of the KPK to immediately cancel the entire TWK process and appoint and restore the dignity, status, position and position of these 75 KPK employees," said the representative of this coalition from YLBHI, M Isnur in his statement quoted on Wednesday, August 18.

In addition, this coalition also urges President Jokowi to dismiss the leadership of the KPK, the State Civil Service Agency (BKN), and other officials who are proven to have violated the law and human rights.

The dismissal of Firli Bahuri et al, said Isnur, could be done if they committed disgraceful acts such as Article 32 of the KPK Law and this has been proven by the findings of the National Human Rights Commission and the Ombudsman. Meanwhile, the leadership of other institutions can be dismissed directly because they are directly under President Jokowi.

"We also ask the President of the Republic of Indonesia to order the National Police Chief through Kabareskrim and/or the Attorney General to immediately conduct an investigation into allegations of Obstruction of Justice or other suspected criminal acts in the TWK process," Isnur said.

Furthermore, he also reminded Jokowi that he must respect and carry out the considerations of the Constitutional Court (MK) which has clearly ruled that the process of transferring the status of KPK employees to State Civil Apparatuses (ASN) should not be detrimental.

This coalition, said Isnur, also reminded President Jokowi in his oath of office as well as in his obligations and responsibilities to have the obligation to respect and implement the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

"That respect, protection, enforcement and fulfillment of human rights is in accordance with Article 28I paragraph (4) that this task is the obligation of the state, especially the government. Moreover, the President approved the revision of the KPK Law which includes the KPK in the executive family," he stressed.

As previously reported, Komnas HAM stated that there were 11 rights violations experienced by KPK employees in the implementation of TWK, namely the right to justice and legal certainty; women's rights; the right not to discriminate; the right to freedom of religion and belief; right to work; and the right to security.

The next right that is violated is the right to information; right to privacy; the right to freedom of assembly and association; the right to participate in government; and the right to freedom of expression.

As a result of this violation, Komnas HAM issued five recommendations which were submitted to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as the highest authority holder and the highest civil service officer.

The contents of the recommendations include appointing employees who do not pass the TWK as ASN and restoring the good name of employees who are stigmatized as a result of this incident.

Meanwhile, the KPK continues to emphasize that the TWK process was not carried out arbitrarily without any basis. This status transfer process is in accordance with the mandate of applicable laws and regulations such as Law Number 19 of 2019, PP Number 41 of 2020, and Perkom Number 1 of 2021.