Dozens Of Students Trapped On Mount Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi After Raising The Red And White

KENDARI - Dozens of students who love nature are trapped on Mount Amonggedo, Ulu Benua Village, Amonggedo District, Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) when they want to return after raising the Red and White in commemoration of the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.

The head of Kendari Basarnas, Aris Sofingi, said that his party received a report of the incident from a local BPBD staff named Abel.

"At 20.00 WITA, we received information from Mr. Abel, a Konawe BPBD staff who reported that a dangerous condition for humans (KMM) had occurred, namely a nature lover student trapped on Mount Amonggedo after raising the flag on the mountain," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 17.

He said the trapped victims were estimated to be as many as 30 people. His party admitted that they would carry out an evacuation considering the rainy conditions and the logistics that had run out.

Based on the report, at 20.15 WITA, the Kendari Search and Rescue Office (KPP) rescue team was dispatched to the scene of the incident to provide SAR assistance.

"The distance is about 56 km, the weather is rainy," he said.

Aris said, on August 16, 2021 at 15.00 WITA, around 30 students who loved nature left for Mount Amonggedo to raise the flag on August 17.

However, after raising and lowering the flag, the students were unable to return home due to heavy rains so that the river overflowed with heavy currents.

"To note, the journey to the location for nature lovers must pass through 3 rivers," he said.

Efforts to evacuate the victims will involve elements of the Kendari KPP rescue team, Konawe BPBD, Babinsa Amonggedo and the local community.