Praise The Lord! 16 Villages In 5 Districts Of NTT 'Bright Bright' Electricity Is Powered By PLN

NTT - PT PLN (Persero) East Nusa Tenggara Regional Main Unit (NTT) supplies electricity to 16 villages spread over five districts in the island-based province.
"With hard work even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, finally 16 villages in NTT with a total of 2,678 families can enjoy PLN electricity," said General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) UIW NTT Agustinus Jatmiko in Kupang, Antara, Tuesday, August 17.
The 16 villages are Fatusuki Village, Kupang Regency, Marada Mundi Village, East Sumba Regency, Daha Elu Village and Cendana Village, Central Sumba Regency, Benteng Suru Village, Golo Woi Village and Patisirawalang Village, East Flores Regency.
In addition, nine villages in West Manggarai Regency are Golo Wedong, Urung Dora, Poco Rii, Lidi, Golo Nderu, Golo Meleng, Compang Wunis, Paan Leleng, and Rana Kulan villages.
Agustinus explained that in order to electrify the villages, PLN will build a number of supporting infrastructure, including a medium voltage network of 66.96 kilometers (kms) and a low-voltage network of 71.55 kms.
In addition, he built 20 units of substations with a capacity of 1,000 kVA so that the total investment for the construction of village electricity reached Rp. 18.6 billion.
Agustinus admits that there are many challenges to electrifying villages in NTT, especially in the 3t region (frontier, outermost, underdeveloped) in the form of geographical conditions and difficult access road infrastructure.
However, this condition is a motivation for PLN personnel to be present to provide benefits to the community so that to coincide with the commemoration of the 76th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in 2021, residents can enjoy PLN electricity.
"This is a sweet gift from PLN to welcome the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. PLN, especially in NTT, can provide electricity to remote areas," he said.
Agustinus hopes that the presence of PLN electricity can be used by the community to support various life needs in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation.
"We hope that the presence of electricity access can support the productivity of residents in various development sectors," he said.