Tangerang City Government Allows Mall Restaurants To Serve Dine In One Table For A Maximum Of 2 People

TANGERANG - The Tangerang City Government, Banten has allowed shopping and trade centers in Tangerang City Banten to be opened from 10.00 WIB to 20.00 WIB with a capacity of 50 percent related to leeway in the implementation of PPKM level 4.

Tangerang Mayor Arief R Wismansyah said Tangerang City was still the area that implemented PPKM Level 4 in Java and Bali from August 17 to 23, 2021.

However, Tangerang City is one of the areas that is being tested for the implementation of the PPKM level 4 health protocol with the flexibility that shopping centers are allowed to operate.

In the rules, visitors and employees who enter will be screened first using the Peduli Protect application. Then children under the age of 12 are not allowed to enter.

"For places to eat inside the mall, it is allowed to eat at a place with a capacity of 25 percent or one table for a maximum of two people," said Mayor Arief, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 17.

The Mayor explained that in general the current condition of COVID-19 in Tangerang City continues to decline and is increasingly leading to positive developments.

"Although several indicators have decreased, the central government still sets Tangerang City at level 4," he emphasized.

The mayor said the PPKM that had been running so far was considered very effective in handling COVID-19 cases, especially in Tangerang City in recent times. "The case is now the lowest in the past month and a half, and the numbers are gradually improving," he said.

For information, reported from the Ministry of Health data as of August 17, 2021, the achievement of vaccination in Tangerang City has reached 729,056 people or 49.28 percent of the provincial target for dose one, while for dose two it has reached 412,785 people or 27.90 percent of the total population. provincial targets.