Mayor Of Bogor Prepares Aid For Orphans Victims Of COVID-19

BOGOR - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya prepared an assistance program for orphans, orphans, and orphans whose parents died due to COVID-19

"I instruct the sub-district and village heads to take to the field to meet people who have become orphans, orphans, and orphans due to COVID-19, to be given assistance," Bima Arya said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 17.

According to Bima Arya, the Bogor City Government will provide assistance and assistance to children under the age of 18, residents of Bogor City, whose parents died due to COVID-19.

Based on data received by Bima Arya, there are 229 children under 18 years old from 133 families, namely 150 orphans, 72 orphans, and seven orphans, because their parents died of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, in terms of age, of the 229 children, 46 were toddlers, 56 were of elementary school age, 53 were of junior high school age, and 74 were of senior high school. "Of this number, 97 children, their families have received social assistance from the central government, so 132 others need assistance," he said.

According to Bima, he seeks that the assistance comes from social programs, joint funds from the state civil apparatus (ASN) or there are wealthy citizens who want to become donors.

"We will provide assistance and assistance. We will protect their hopes and future," he said.