7 Most Missed August 17 Competition

JAKARTA - The celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia is always synonymous with various exciting games or competitions that are participated by various groups from children to adults.

Usually, the competition is held from morning to evening on August 17 in each Neighborhood Association (RT) so as to strengthen brotherly relations between neighbors. In fact, in some areas there have been holding activities since the previous few days.

The various typical games on August 17 were indeed very exciting to follow. However, currently Indonesia is still facing the COVID-19 pandemic, so the celebration of the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia cannot be as lively as it used to be. Quoted from ANTARA, the Government has also extended the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) from August 17 to August 23, 2021 to reduce the rate of transmission of COVID-19.

The following are the meanings of 7 typical August 17 competitions that are most missed during the pandemic.

1. Areca Climbing

In every area, areca climbing seems to have become a game that must be held every celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.

This game is followed by children to adults. They have to work together to help each other to climb the areca nut tree trunk that has been smeared with oil. If they make it to the top, participants can take home the prizes that are hung there.

2. Sack Race

The sack race has also become one of the most exciting games to participate in during the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.

The participants put their feet into the sack and then competed to reach the finish line. Not only children, adults also always participated in this game.

3. Clog Racing

Clog racing games require compact teamwork. Usually, a team consists of three to five people.

As the name implies, participants use clogs or long sandals made of wood. Each team must compact their feet and be the fastest to get to the finish line.

4. Tug of War

The tug of war game also never misses being held in celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. This game also requires good teamwork.

Two teams will face off to pull the mines into their respective areas. The team will lose if one or all of the members fall because they are no longer strong enough to pull the rope.

5. Marble Race

Marble racing is one of the most popular games when celebrating the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, especially among children.

The participants must race to the finish line while biting a spoon with a marble on it. If the marble falls, the competitor must start again from the starting line.

6. Bite Coins

As the name implies, the coin-biting game requires participants to take a coin that is plugged into a watermelon by being bitten. The participant who takes the most coins will be the winner.

7. Eat Crackers

Cracker eating competition is also one of the favorites of the Indonesian people. Participants must eat crackers hanging from a rope. This competition is quite difficult because the rope that binds the crackers will sway in the wind while the participants are not allowed to hold the crackers.