Men, These Are The Signs That Women Feel Disappointed

JAKARTA - When feeling disappointed, women can show it with various actions. Although the disappointment is not necessarily caused by you, you actually need to know it in order to better understand your partner. The following VOI summarizes the signs of a disappointed woman that you should recognize.

Silent treatment

One way to tell if a woman is disappointed is by how much she talks. If he usually talks a lot and suddenly becomes quiet, you need to reflect that something is wrong.

Ask him if your behavior was the cause so that if it was your fault, it won't happen again in the future. Show concern for your partner directly and discuss what you can do to improve it.

Changes in behavior

You need to question if he suddenly gets busy or chooses to spend time with other people. It's possible that seeing your presence makes her feel hurt so she decides to walk away for a while.

Also, be aware that he doesn't smile or laugh when you tell a joke. Communicate with him about what is going on so that your partner knows that you want to help solve the problem and want him to be happy.

Eye look

Eye gaze is one of the most obvious gestures one can notice when someone is expressing their frustration. Couples are trying to calm their mounting emotions. Invite him to talk to compromise in solving the problems that occur.

Agree with everything said

If you and your partner usually argue about little things and one day he agrees with all the opinions, realize that there is something different about him. Chances are your partner is not in the mood to discuss or argue and reflect this on your behavior over the past few days.