Paying Respect To Medical Heroes, Ganjar Pranowo Leads Hazmat Dress Ceremony At Donohudan

JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo wearing a full hazmat shirt led the flag ceremony for the 76th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). Ganjar held a ceremony with residents with the status of asymptomatic people in the central isolation yard of the Haji Donohudan Dormitory, Boyolali, Central Java, Tuesday, August 17.

The ceremony was attended by 200 residents who are undergoing isolation, health workers and volunteers, including the TNI and Polri, wearing full hazmat clothes, starting at around 07.15 WIB.

According to Ganjar Pranowo, his party really wants to hold a ceremony with residents of COVID-19 survivors along with health workers and volunteers in the central isolation area of the Haji Donohudan Boyolali Dormitory.

"I think that during the August 17 celebration ceremony, all of us are still feeling the sadness. I want everyone to be excited and the spirit of the survivors was seen and I want this time together with health workers to be able to celebrate the 17th in Donohudan," he said. Governor of Central Java quoted from ANTARA.

According to Ganjar, it was the first time he had worn a hazmat suit, which turned out to be very hot. He could not imagine them or the health workers wearing hazmat clothes for hours serving the residents.

"I want to feel the spirit, how they struggle to treat patients, the medical staff, and how they encourage the survivors. This is something that I feel myself," said the governor.

The governor hopes that his presence can also motivate them to celebrate August 17 at work, where his party never had the opportunity to gather. This is what they appreciate.

"We are also grateful to the TNI and Polri who have been helping, who often have to go back and forth to a number of regencies and cities to bring residents who will undergo centralized isolation. Thank God this collaborative and compact work has brought the results of Central Java cases of COVID-19 started to go down and hospitals also started not being full, the story of the scarcity of oxygen is no longer there, and we can manage everything well," said the governor.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo hopes that there will be no more COVID-19 and community support in maintaining health protocols and the government's duty to add vaccination programs will be carried out smoothly and well.