How To Install Social Media Status With Red And White Flag Image Via Twibbon

JAKARTA - Want to participate in celebrating the 76th independence of the Republic of Indonesia? Installing a red and white flag image status can be an option. The Red and White Flag is usually flown as a symbol of celebrating Indonesia's independence, the result of the struggle of the nation's predecessors.

Several twibbon links support the movement to install the Red and White Flag and banners in the context of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 2021.

This is how to get an image of the Red and White Flag for status on social media.

1. Go to the Twibbon link.

2. Select your favorite Twibbon.

3. Insert photo, arrange and adjust.


5. Upload on social media.

Each confused by a good choice? Here are some examples of favorite links.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.