Kunto Aji Conveys A Message Of Nationalism Through An Independence-themed Song

JAKARTA - Songs with the theme of independence or nationalism play an important role as a medium to increase the spirit of unity. Kunto Aji believes that the song with the theme of independence can also raise enthusiasm in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation that has hit the whole world, including Indonesia.

"In the current situation, the most important thing to avoid is division. Whatever our opinion on how to overcome the pandemic, it should be discussed together. A joint solution is very important because we are going through this together and music can be a medium," said Kunto Aji, quoted from BETWEEN, Monday, August 17th.

Kunto Aji added that the song with the theme of nationalism can also be a reminder that Indonesia's independence was obtained thanks to a high sense of unity.

"How in the past we were able to be independent, because we were together, hand in hand, and that's the spirit that we must also carry at this time," he added.

According to Kunto Aji, musicians do not have to compose new songs, but can rearrange songs that are already popular.

Kunto Aji said that conveying a message of nationalism by reenacting previously popular songs would be more effective than composing new songs nowadays.

"I think it's more effective, because if a new song in a situation like this doesn't necessarily work, it takes extra effort. But by recycling, people just need to be reminded again," said Kunto Aji.

This statement is similar to what the singer of the song Pilu Mengbiru did. Recently, Kunto Aji and four other musicians were involved in a project initiated by Resso.

In this project, Kunto Aji, Rossa, Rayi Putra, Aurelie, and Dipha Barus, performed the song "Zamrud Khatulistiwa" which was popularized by the legendary singer Chrisye in 1996. The song, which is full of optimism and reminiscent of Indonesia's wealth, was re-arranged with the following tones. contemporary tone and was released on Friday, (13/8).