Social Minister Risma Admits There Are Still Rich People Get Social Assistance, Data Continues To Be Improved

JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini said that his party was still continuing to improve the data on recipients of social assistance (Bansos). This effort was made following complaints that there were still people who had enough money to get social assistance, because they were close to policy makers.

Currently, said Risma, the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) is being improved in terms of quality. Improving data will be the key to channeling aid from the state to those in need.

Risma emphasized that there should be no collusion or collusion in the distribution of aid. He warned that no one deserved more help but didn't get it.

For information, in the 2022 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN), the government has budgeted Rp427.5 trillion for social protection. This budget will be used to help the poor and vulnerable meet their basic needs, and in the long term is expected to be able to cut the chain of poverty.

"We have completed DTKS. The numbers are clear. However, we need to improve the quality of the data. For example, someone says that we are more entitled to receive it, because my neighbor is richer. ," he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, August 16.

The former mayor of Surabaya said that data correction was carried out routinely every month. This is because the existing data is very dynamic, where every month there are residents who are born, die, or change domicile.

"There is a proposal for data improvement. The new proposal for 5.9 million regions will be covered to 24.7 million. This new regional proposal is a regional proposal that was submitted to us. The Minister of Finance (Sri Mulyani) agreed that 2022 there will be 24.7 million people ," he said.

Create a rebuttal application

To ensure that the recipients of social assistance are those who are entitled to it, the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) makes a special application for someone who feels and proposes that he is entitled to receive social assistance. This application is named 'Proposal Refutation'.

Later, said Risma, his party will check directly in the field to prove the truth of the reports submitted by the community.

"People can argue. If for example they know that someone has no right, then they can also say that person A is not true," he said.

"A few days ago I received the letter, and we followed it up, it turned out that after we checked in the field, we knew that in fact he did not have the right according to the criteria, so they resigned," he continued.