COVID-19 Task Force: Celebration Is The Main Cause Of The Spike In Cases In Tulungagung

TULUNGAGUNG - The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in Tulungagung Regency accused many residents of holding celebrations during PPKM as the main cause of the spike in cases exposed to the corona virus in recent weeks.

"There are actually many factors. But the dominant one is because there are still many people who hold celebrations even though they have been banned," said Tulungagung Regency COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson, Ahmad Mugiono, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 16.

The trend of increasing cases of COVID-19 was observed from early July to August. Especially after Eid al-Adha which is believed to be a good month to hold celebration rituals.

Currently, the average daily confirmed cases of COVID-19 range from 50-70 cases. However, on August 13, the number of confirmed cases had jumped and became the highest daily record in Tulungagung, which was 241 cases.

According to Mugiono, the spike in cases was also due to the emergence of many family clusters and celebration clusters.

"People who do not have symptoms of isomanism, because they are not handled by health workers, eventually become a family cluster," he said.

Unfortunately, the integrated isolation that was ordered by the Regional Commander has not gone smoothly. Of the six integrated solation locations that have been prepared, they have not been filled at all. "We have prepared integrated isolation but the community does not want it," he said.

Even though the COVID-19 Handling Task Force has facilitated the needs for isoman, such as places, facilities and health workers.

There are six places that have been prepared, some of which are in the Districts of Kedungwaru, Pakel, Ngunut, Sumbergempol, and Boyolangu.