Kepepet Chased By Bank Debt And Moneylenders, Men In Magelang Desperately Breaking 2 Pharmacies And Stealing Rp68 Million

MAGELANG - The Magelang Police, Central Java, revealed the perpetrators of the theft of two pharmacies in Dukun and Sawangan sub-districts with the suspect RH (47) a resident of Tegalrejo, Magelang Regency.

Magelang Police Chief AKBP Ronald A. Purba said RH was a recidivist in the theft case in 2020.

The first theft was carried out at the Waringin Jaya Pharmacy, Krogowanan, Sawangan District on Monday, August 9. At that time, the perpetrator took Rp. 25 million.

The second theft was at the Shaman Pharmacy, Banyudono Village, Dukun District, Wednesday, August 11. "In this pharmacy, the perpetrators took away Rp43 million in cash," explained the Police Chief in Magelang, as reported by Antara, Monday, August 16.

The perpetrator entered the pharmacy by breaking the door, then breaking into the safe or the drawer where the money was kept.

Based on the suspect's statement, the stolen money was used to pay debts, buy jewelry, and was given to his brother.

He said his party confiscated a number of evidences, including stolen money worth Rp. 2 million, a crowbar, three screwdrivers, a flashlight, a motorcycle, and two gold bracelets purchased from the stolen money.

The suspect, RH, admitted to stealing to pay off debts to moneylenders of Rp. 17 million and to banks of Rp. 40 million.

"I'm stuck because I have debt. The debt is not all at once, but gradually Rp2 million, Rp1 million, gradually becoming a lot," he said.